
Monday, June 7, 2010

Eschew Materials - Modified Feat

As I had mentioned in a previous post I'm a big fan of spell components.  I think its just another portion of DnD or Pathfinder you can use to inject a bit of role playing and go beyond the normal rewards for overcoming a particular challenge or creature.  Its always fun as a DM to have the players try and determine if any particular creature they killed has any usable portions for spells or alchemical potions.  It is also fun as a DM to watch them fight the urge to sell a 5000 gp diamond to pay for various other pieces of equipment thinking that they may have to use it as diamond dust for a few restoration spells.  I like the players to have choices, yes some times those choices are directly opposed but still they give depth to the world.  Which brings me to the Eschew Materials Feat.  I do like this feat, however I don't like how its executed.   Especially when some classes get the feat as a class feature for free, the Sorcerer is one example where they get it for free at 1st level.  Like with any of the rules I'm not keen on I've modified them to my liking for use in my campaigns...

So I've modified the feat where as it can be taken multiple times and each time you take said the feat you're allowed to ignore the spell components of a particular level-minus your current level, spell.  In essence you'll always need that spell component for your current top tier of spell casting, but the lower castings you can ignore all spell components even if they cost greater than 1 gp.

I also think it odd they even associated a gold value to the feat  as most spell components now are actually below 1gp in cost.  My particular question is for most spells of what value do you go by for components? The value listed in the PHB/DMG or Pathfinder Core rulebook?  I would say that would be a good starting point, but not all spell components have a listed value in those books (nor should they unless you want another 200 pages!) and some components have negligible value, e.g., a pinch of dust!  You could go by "local economy" of things you might find simple things extremely high priced, e.g, in the outer plane such as my current campaign in the planescale verse and specifically pandemonium!   Lots of Rocks, little to no plant life or animal life, so to speak.  A grasshoppers leg may go for 1000's of gp because of rarity while precious stones are a dime a dozen from a thriving trade of excavating piles of purple worm droppings!  You see my point I think.  So anyways here is my modified version of the Eschew Materials Feat, hopefully you'll find it useful and include it in your own campaigns.

Eschew Materials Feat - (Modified)

Eschew Materials lvl 1
Eschew Materials lvl 2* 
Eschew Materials lvl 3*
Eschew Materials lvl 4* 
Eschew Materials lvl 5* 
Eschew Materials lvl 6* 
Eschew Materials lvl 7*
Eschew Materials lvl 8*
Eschew Materials lvl 9*

* = Indicates X-1, where X is the max level of spell that can be affected.
e.g., Level 3 
Eschew Materials allows you to take the feat but only
use it for level 2 spells or lower.

Eschew Materials allows you to ignore material components completely for spells below your current max spell level.  You cannot use it with your highest level of spells, as you're not experienced enough with those spells to effectively cast them sans materials.  This feat is usable by all casting classes.  

Prerequisite: Main ability score for your classes spell casting has to be 14 or higher.

Also one thing I also do is award "feats", but very rarely, as a reward.  Typically its as a tomb of knowledge or some ancient text or manual of techniques and once studied for a period of time the charter gains 1 additional feat.  Sadly I got the idea from playing "The Sims" long ago and when they read they would "level up" in a particular skill.  I thought why not in DnD and Pathfinder too!  I recently did this with a monk player where upon getting kick ass perception rolls found not one but two manuals of ancient techniques from two fallen enemy monks.  He then gained two additional feats after studying them both.  He was avery happy monk!

printer friendly link for Eschew Materials Feat - (Modified)

Hope you enjoyed this post and thanks for stopping by!

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